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5.320 Vehicle Identification Number Missing at the Time of Removal on Low Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other than Abandonment (VC 22851.2 ).5.310 Disposition of Low Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other than Abandonment (VC §22851.6, 22851.8, 22851.10).5.300 Low Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other than Abandonment (VC §22851.2).5.240 Dismantler Acquisition of Abandoned Low Value Vehicles (VC §11520).5.230 Reregistration of Abandoned Low Value Vehicles (VC §22851.3 ).5.220 Request for Post-Storage Hearing of Abandoned Low Value Vehicles (VC §22851.3 ).5.210 Disposition of Abandoned Low Value Vehicles (VC §22851.3).5.200 Abandoned Low Value Vehicles (VC § 22669).5.130 Dismantler Acquisition of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure (VC §22664).5.120 Reregistration of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure (VC §§22661, 22711).5.110 Disposition of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure (VC §22661).Lien Sales and Abandoned Vehicles Toggle sub menu